
Life is a cake and love is the icing on top of it. Without love, it becomes difficult to swallow life.



Nini’s Bakery is more than great food. We constantly provide outstanding customer service and believe that customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal. The integrity of our Bakery relies on the principles of quality products and satisfied customers. We strive to provide our employees with a respectful and positive work environment equitable for everyone.

Nydia Jayes was born in Chicago, IL, grew up in Monterrey NL, Mexico and has been living in Houston , Texas, for over 20 years.


Growing up Nydia Jayes always enjoyed watching her mother cook and bake for her entire family. She always enjoyed the sweets and aroma that came when her mother baked. As a result Nydia always had a passion for baking even early on.


Her passion for cooking and baking took her to the Art Institute in Houston where she completed a two-years Associate Degree in Baking and Pastry followed by a Bachelor’s in Culinary Management. And would go on to win “Best in Show” for both Baking & Pastry and Culinary Management.


She seeks to make all her customers smile with every bite they take of her food.